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Nate Baldwin also writes some really cool PHP scripts. A lot of people are using his NateMail script and the even more sophisticated commercial ProcessForm script. Both scripts are very secure and offer you a great variety of options...

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Mindpalette GoLive actions

Cascade Menu action Change the options in a form selection menu based on what is selected in another menu.
Copy Field Value actions Copy value from a form field to any other form field.
Link To Menu action Text or image link changes the values in a form selection menu.
RadioToMenu Action Radio selection changes form selection menu options.
Show Form Results action Display results from a form using NateMail or ProcessForm.
Image Menu action Change an image URL using a form selection menu.
Image Sequence Action Slideshow action that doesn't require specific image names.
Multi Preloader action Preload up to 20 images per action into the browser cache.
Set Image and Link URL action Set image and link URL of an image.
Slide Show Kit Eight integrated slideshow actions to meet all your slideshow needs.
(A brilliant commercial action!)
Auto Image Window action Link to images without having to build an HTML page for each image (loads into a page template).
Close Popup action Close an opened popup window avoiding a Netscape 4 bug.
(The only action I know of that has the NN4 workaround!)
Close Child Window Close popup windows automatically when leaving the main parent window, or by clicking a link in the main window.
Close Popup Redirect Action Close a popup window and redirect the parent window / opener.
Drop-Down Pop-Up action Launch popup windows from a form selection menu.
Focus Window action Force a popup window back to the top when it is loaded.
LinkToOpener Action Control and redirect the main parent window with links in a "remote control" popup window.
Open Popup 2.0 Premium popup window action with advanced positioning, sizing and focus controls. (commercial)
Open Popup Lite "Lite" version of OpenPopup 2.0 (has all the features of the former OpenPopup 1 Action)