Your email address will be safe with us and we will never, ever, give it to any third party. To further protect your privacy you will also be asked to confirm your subscription.
ScrollArea 1.1 action |
The ScrollArea action makes it easy for you to set up a scrollable area in your page.
- You can add text and images to the layer.
- There are options for "step size" and scroll speed.
- The scroll area can be scrolled in 2-8 directions.
- This action supports NN4+, IE4+, NN6 and Opera
- February 5, 2004 a fix for Opera7+ was added.
Mac & Win version
Manual / Cool page made by Robert Gallegos / Tutorial by Kath Howard / Flash tutorial (13.7MB) / Windows Media Tutorial (6.2MB)
ValidateAndSubmit 1.1 action |
The ValidateAndSubmit action let you validate forms on submission.
- The action checks for empty text fields and radio buttons.
- It validates e-mail addresses and phone numbers.
- The user is presented with a list of the errors.
- In NN6 and IE4+ the background color can be changed to indicate fields with errors.
- Custom error messages can be added.
- Version 1.3 offers field matching which is very useful if you want to user to enter e.g. an email address twice for validation purposes.
Mac version / Win version
Register and receive password
Manual / Demo Page / Flash Tutorial (15MB) / Windows Media Tutorial (7MB)
FormFieldFocus 1.0 action |
The FormFieldFocus action places the cursor in the form field of your choice "onload". One of those small things that makes your page more user friendly!
- Add the page to the head section.
- Enter the form name and the field name.
- Set the action to run "onload".
- Supports all browsers.
Mac version /
Flash Video Tutorial (663KB)
New Flash Interactive tutorial (534KB)
The MacWinCSS 1.0 action |
The MacWinCSS action helps you even out the differences between the Mac OS and the Windows OS. Windows display fonts larger and colors slightly darker. By using this action and two separate style sheets you can solve that problem (not with images though). You should also use a third (default) style sheet for visitors who isn't using Mac or Windows.
Mac version / Win version
IE5.5SliceBugFix 1.0 action |
IE5.5 displays a thin white line across sliced images due to a bug in the browser. The line disappears if the page is reloaded or the window is re-sized. The IE5.5SliceBugFix action re-sizes the window by shrinking it by 1 pixel and then restoring it to the original size. Use this action on all pages with sliced images.
Mac version / Win version
The Bookmark 1.2 action |
The Bookmark action enables you to trigger the browser's bookmark behavior from a link, text or graphic. The Bookmark action is invisible in browsers that don't support scripted bookmarks and no text or graphic link will be displayed. CSS classes and elements can be used with the links, just as if they were "ordinary" links.
Mac version / Win version
The TempObject 1.0 action |
The TempObject action 1.0 enables you to display a text or an image during a limited period of time, another text or image can be displayed before and after that period. This action is a great help when you add and remove time limited offers, holiday greetings etc.
Mac version / Win version
The NoLinkRectangle action 1.2 |
The NoLinkRectangle action is a head action that removes all the dotted rectangles indicating active links in IE (solid blue rectangles in Mac IE). Instead of manually inserting code into every link tag you can use one NoLinkRectangle action to remove all the link rectangles in the page. Works with text links, graphic links and image maps.
Bug fix for IE6 in this version.
Mac version / Win version
The ResolutionLocation action 1.0 |
The ResolutionLocation action enables you to redirect the visitor to another page depending of their screen resolution.
Mac version / Win version
The ScrollAreaAuto action 1.1 |
The ScrollAreaAuto action is the younger brother of the ScrollArea action. If you need automatic scrolling of a scroll area, without user input, this is the action you need. This action will continue to scroll the scroll area as long as the page is loaded.
Mac version / Win version
The WindowInnerSize action 1.1 |
The WindowInnerSize action enables you to accurately set the position and the inner size of a window. A "Full Screen" feature is also included. A very useful action if window size is vital to your design. NEW! Version 1.1 offers a "centre window" option!
Mac version / Win version
The FormCookie action 1.2 |
The FormCookie action enables you so store form data (from text fields) in a cookie on the user's computer and to automatically read back the data when the visitor returns to the page. The action is very useful for standard forms as well as user IDs and passwords. This new version (1.1) works with my commercial ValidateAndSubmit action. For more info about how to use the two actions together please read the enclosed PDF manual.
New in version 1.2:
The action is now appending the form name to the cookie name, this enables you to use the FormCookie action more than once on the same site.
Mac version / Win version
The BannerRotation action 1.0 |
The banner action manages the rotation of up to 10 banners and offers you a number of options.
- You can set the rotation interval (when using “constant rotation”).
- Random start banner.
- Banner links opens in popup window. Position of popup window can be set to “centre” or X and Y coordinates.
- The X and Y dimensions of the popup window can be set.
- Banners without a link can be used.
- All banners handled by one action must be the same size.
- Banners without a link will still display as links (cursor changes)
- The maximum number of banners handled by one instance of the action is 10.
Mac version / Win version
The BeenThereRedirect action 1.0 |
This action has been designed to redirect people who earlier visited the page containing the action. It's very useful for pages you don't want to user to see more than once, or very seldom. The page might contain a heavy animation or some kind of info the visitor only need to see once.
Mac version / Win version
The RandomText action 1.0 |
The RandomText action enables you to store up to 20 different texts and to have the action randomly display one of them when the page loads.
Mac version / Win version
The PopupAutoClose action 1.0 |
The PopupAutoClose action is placed in the head section of the page that goes into the popup window. It will close the popup window after a specified number of seconds.
Mac version / Win version
The PassValue action 1.0 |
This is probably the most versatile action I've made. With a little bit of imagination you can do a lot of things with it. The basic function of the PassValue action is to transfer data from on page to another and then display that data in the page body text, or in a form text field.
Two examples:
You can make a form submission "thank you page" that says "Thank you [first name added by the action] for submitting the form!".
If a customer clicks the link "send me more info" the product name and type fields in the form can be automatically filled in.
Mac & Win version
A helper action (Beta version) is now available to help you pass a value from a form to a "thank you" page. The "FormToHidden" helper action is found here. Separate manual here.
The ThumbPopUp action 1.0 |
The ThumbPopUp action enables you to display larger versions of images in perfectly sized popup windows, without having to create a HTML page for each and every one of them.
This action also eliminates the common problem with built-in browser margins when displaying images in popup windows.
Other features are:
- X and Y position of the popup window.
- Chrome options like, menu bar, scroll bars, directories, etc.
- Popup window title.
- Background color.
Mac & Win version
The AntiFrame action 1.0 |
Most companies don't want their web pages displayed in another company's frameset, with the other company's logo and navigation. The AntiFrame action prevents your page from being "framed" by another site. The page will be displayed, but not in their frameset.
Mac & Win version
The LanguageSwitch action 1.0 Beta |
The LanguageSwitch action is used in a "default page" to redirect using one or more specific browsers languages. You might want a default page in English and then redirect all users with Swedish browsers to another page...
Mac & Win version
The OnBlurClose action 1.0 |
The onBlurClose action is a simple action that will close the window a number of seconds after it has lost its focus (in other words after another screen object has been selected - "focused")
Mac & Win version